I highly doubt I misunderstood your argument. I'm referring to your viewpoint as self-righteous, not your person. I have no problem with you, just the point you're trying to make.
Quite simply,
Quote:There IS a place for all levels of Roleplay on this server.
is incorrect, in my opinion. There is not.
You use the term "OORP" very loosely. I choose to define "OORP" as something that directly contravenes established lore. Should such a case actually arise, it must be dealt with in that the conflict must be resolved in order to retain continuity. I doubt you'll disagree with me in that regard. I also agree that roleplay that doesn't create a paradoxical situation per se shouldn't be called OORP, as doing so is at odds with how I define the term.
However, where we seem to diverge in opinion is that all roleplay is equally valid. It is not. The average bounty hunter gunboat I encounter as Jonas or Robert elicits, at most, an "open fire!!" before letting rip. I have no problem with this from a PvP point of view - I can easily dodge most incoming capital fire. It's their pathetic excuses for player killing that irritate me and that need to be criticized and changed Putative efforts at roleplay should be encouraged, yes, but by no means left as such. Certain roleplay is better than others, that's simple fact. While inexperienced roleplayers shouldn't be mocked, neither should their efforts simply be accepted as such. Such efforts should be improved upon, but not just permitted to abide as such. It's our duty to the server to stop capwhores from remaining capwhores and to try to improve the status quo as a whole.
Frankly, there's just so much bloody-minded stupidity out there (ever tried roleplaying while pirating a trader only to be answered with roleplay abuse like "im a zoner u cant pirate me:)" or "my brother has a cruiser and hell come and kill u lol") that we can't ignore it and let it go in the spirit of everyone being permittted to freestyle as they please. If somebody has poor roleplay or poor implementation, we shouldn't shoot them down, sure, but neither can we accept it. There's a certain bottom line, in my opinion, that everybody should try to attain.