-.- I'm not calling CR OORP. That is a distraction from the intent of my post.
What I am saying is: stories and the like of other universes outside of Vanilla
freelancer are the only things that might possibly be considered as OORP.
Not the fact that a Liberty Cruiser CAN travel around in Rheinland space, or
the fact that Navy Military characters can shoot other Navy characters.
The fact is CR have done a fantastic job on their RP, so has the Harvesters.
Those are two 'imports' that the community has accepted, mainly. I'm not here to
rag on them, I was giving an example of something that COULD be considered for
the title of OORP, rather than petty grievances and stupid thinking labeling something
legitimate in Roleplay as OORP.
Mentioning CR is causing some confusion so I think I will change it. -done. CR no longer mentioned in the essay.
Edit 2: Added in again due to Epholl being happy they are mentioned.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.