OK, I am all for factions getting reveiwed by their peers once in a while. Its a good thing.
However I think doing it now when we already have a few people both inside and outside the LN smarting a bit from that last little issue is not the best time for it. Let thing settle a bit before doing this.
I am in the LN as a low ranked flyer in a guardian, and I don't pretend to speak for the faction as a whole. However I do think that the LN is a good and for the most part very well roleplayed faction. Liberty has its issues, and it can be very hard to roleplay around them at times.
My point I suppose is this, and it is made very calmly...
You can't base a whole faction review off a single event. It may have coloured and tarnished your veiw, but its not something on which you can level faction wide critism. If you want to critise the way that was handled go ahead, but in my humble opinion, you're painting with a very wide brush here magoo.