I have only one point that makes no sense to me at all.
Magoo put it under the number 3, and I would like to see that discussed.
A ship named Plato had Cardamine in it's hold. Fact.
A ship named Plato was asked to drop it's contraband by lawful forces. Fact.
LN interfered in a way they shouldn't. Fact.
Now, how did they interfere? Imagine a CIA agent sniffing some drug in front of Wall Street.
Cops comes buy, tries to arrest him, but something happens now.
Yeah, Delta team is going in, shooting all the cops down, and saving the innocent CIA agent, because he's an informant.
Point being, how is a -SPECIAL TREATMENT- helping him stay an informant?
If anyone can explain this to me, I'll jump of the roof.
Any normal informant would drop the cardi, go to prison, get out of prison due to his connections.
He wouldn't start a bloody civil war over it.
He should have dropped the cardamine and payed the fine. FACT!
As it is now, it just looks to me that he was one of the buddies from skype, and didn't want to waste 20 mins long run, so he PM-ed a LN buddy from skype.
I don't know if that's the truth, I'm just saying how it 'looks' because of wrong reactions.
I am not going into it any further, I don't know if those two fellas rammed you or not, not like it's important at all.
What I do care about is an non-RP act (now I'm gonna get shot by Hyung-Song) is presented as a flawless RP.
I hope it's gonna get fixed in the future.
As for LN cap spammage, that's pretty much untrue. I spend some time in Liberty and LN are usually spammed by all kinds of crappy capital ships (OC made usually), and they don't bring out the big guns, usually.
Also, one more thing that goes in my 'skype friends' story, and which I'm sure most people don't even know about.
I undock from Manhattan to find 101st MNS Fantasia in Manhattan's orbit.
Since I have a deal with one of LN leaders for the bounty, I gather a few more mercenaries.
Of course, since one Liberty dread was around there too, I asked for permission to fire.
Guess what?
"Attention. MNS-Fantasia is not to be fired uppon! It is a friendly vessel!"
Hello? Manhattan's orbit? What the hell happened there?
Of course, then I contacted another high-ranking LN officer and he told me to ignore the Dreadnot orders, which I did.
But still, the point is, keep your 'skype buddies' on skype, treat them as you should in game.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.