No, the WA will have to goals of the system lords winning civil wars in Kusari, and defending Kusari space. Being the house faction they should be for Kusari. AW are mercs, allied with WA yes, but we won't be doing the same thing.
Oh, and not all the WA's have Freelancer, remember it costs money. We only have 6-7 WAs on the server really. And not all of them can be on much. Darkwulf leads his own division (much like AW is my division), Skaldi is the Emporer's hand (2nd in command of WA). So its not like it will be unbalanced a ton or anything. Really these WAs have been on for awhile. Just using AW and WA tags, and just supporting us. Now they have their own purpose. The numbers really aren't changing, the people are just getting different tags and a different purpose.