First, the rule says that people have to be in RP, it never defines what RP is for each person. It may very well be that what's in-RP for my LWB with a Wrath would be ooRP for another one.
' Wrote:Problem is... people need to actually Role play first, which doesn't seem to happen very often. Lots of good stuff on the forums yes, but in game it all amounts to "I don't like your face... BOOM" preceding being berated in OOC by rules power gaming and rules lawyering to justify people being random jackholes.
Again, let me point you to Wesley's story, lots of screenshots in it because I like to RP it out in-game. However, there is a point to be made that the RP restrictions (not server rules) are seen as repressive. I've seen both sides of the case, and the easiest way for everyone to be happy is for the only RP rules - restrictions imposed by players, not admins - to apply only to people that've proven that they're ooRP. Then again, I'm sure some people would still advocate "ZOMG HE HAS A RIGHT TO FLY ANYTHING EVEN IF HE'S AN OORP IDIOT!", so basically, it comes down to the fact that we're human, and in human societies people argue because they have differing views.