Hyung, your sentiment is self-righteous and hypocritical. Roleplay is NOT an objective affair; it is graded relative to the community as a whole. "OPEN FIRE! PEW PEW PEW!" is unfortunately NOT acceptable roleplay and is NOT as valid as Wesley Richter. Though every player here may roleplay as he pleases, do NOT expect that the affairs of a Diamond/Niobium power trader are equivalent to the elaborate, logical, and gripping stories of a talented writer.
All players have an equal right to expand upon their characters. However, motivation varies, as do skill and intent. Roleplay is subjective, and the degree to which a player's roleplay is respected is based upon its quality.
One player's roleplay does not equal another's, and one player's roleplay may easily be superior to another's. Please don't pretend otherwise, Hyung - roleplay does not conform to any set standard, but rather to the talent of the person behind it. Individual opinion aside, in the meritocratic society in which we all live, skill determines ranking.