Hatred if you read this, please don't leave. This is a great community, and
there is gold to discover, but we (each of us individually) must get through
the trash and find that gold. I find your posts quite refreshing.
Erythnul Are you referring to my first post, my second one, or the viewpoint
that you perceive me as having, in me being self-righteous and hypocritical? That is the
danger of making posts like I did, as people can easily think I am doing the same
things that I'm 'Exposing" on. By the way, you personally attacked me and seemed
to have missed what the point of my first and second post was about. Hatred said it well:
Hatred Wrote:Remember, Comprehension is the most important part of reading.
That is a large issue for the player base on this server. The forums are so
complicated that its difficult even for older-members to know what is happening.
As a number of polls have shown on this server, the majority of the player base
is around 16-18, with some sprinkles of other age ranges here and there. Age
doesn't really have a majority bearing on comprehension levels, as you can be
an idiot at 2/35/70 and still function normally. But it seems that there are people
who regularly 'forget' to read the infocards, let alone the server rules. And as a
consequence of their actions, they get sanctioned. And there are other people
who fully understanding the server rules, STILL RAG ON OTHER PEOPLE for being
OORP in System and publically on these forums.
As far as I am aware, I did not write the first or second posts in a hypocritical
and self-righteous manner. I remember feeling sadness and anguish, coming from
an anger at how we treat each other, which is where this thread sprang from.
The entire first and second posts, can be summed up like this:
Stop Rule lawyering. Its hurting you and me.
Stop calling other peoples Roleplay as "OORP'. Because you can't possibly
know that. You may think it but don't say it over system. Or on these forums so blatently.
Leave the sanction threats and stuff to the Admins.
Treat other people how you want to be treated.
Lets have fun together.
Erythnul I'm sorry that you feel I'm being self-righteous and hypocritical in saying
these things, but that does not take away the validity of what I have said.
I'm well aware that skill and motivation comes into how well someone
can roleplay. There are natural drama queens (in a good sense), and there
are people who operate more on a logical level. And everything in between or both.
There are people with imaginations that rival or beat Picasso, and there are
people who, on the surface, have no imagination. There are people who can write
lavish eloquent stories and there are people who can write "OPEN FIRE, PEW PEW!!"
There are people that can write up what they need to within 5 minutes, and there are
people who take 5 months to get the comprehending necessary to say, "I wish to register
my Outcast Destroyer." All of these are taken into account when I say:
"Stop rule-lawyering each other and calling other people's roleplay as OORP.
You're being judgmental and hurting yourselves and us."
There IS a place for all levels of Roleplay on this server. If you really think someone
is being OORP, dont just blast them for it publicly AS A FIRST REACTION.
Instead, ask them questions, as there may be more to the story than you realize.
Asking someone questions and being friendly will go a long way to helping that person
and this community to integrate newbies and 'veterens' roleplay alike, instead of alienating them
like Hatred and numerous other have pointed out that we are doing.
Leave the 'You are OORP' and rule lawyering to the Admins.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.