a "problem" we do have is that they pop up occasionally. - players "quickly switch to them if needed" - but they do not play them ( as much ). - so when an attack is immanent, there might be quite some players jumpning into their battleships ( happens for all players, non factionized AND playerfaction players ) - so the battleship population can jump up suddenly for a very short time ( the battle ) and be reduced afterwards again when the players return to their "roleplay ships" ( fighters most of the time )
so maybe we can say that there are not too many players that roleplay in their battleships all the way, but a significantly larger number that jumps into them when pvp comes their way. - i think that is what makes it sometimes appear to be unproportionate.
but we do have a "gentlemans" rule for that - NOT to switch from a fighter to a battleship, just cause pvp comes your way or cause you wanne switch to something more suitable for an attack. - too bad players do not really recognize that rule much anymore. - before an attack i see a lot of - lets call it "tactical swapping of ships" before the attack really starts.