' Wrote:How does the bounty system keep track of the character? What happens if you post a bounty on someone who then changes names?
Yes...or it might...or will. That's being discussed over here
I suspect that the bounty command will eventually do one of:
1. Prevent the name change.
2. Make the bounty follow the name change.
3. Do nothing at all.
4. All of the above.
5. None of the above.
These are all technically possible.
In the version of the bounty command I'm working on the bounties are stored in the player account directories. When a player logs in, the plugin accesses the account dir and loads bounty information into memory.
The downside to this is that you can't list all bounties on the server...only the ones for players that are logged in (i.e. /showbounties) and the ones on a particular player (/showbounties <charname>). The upside is that the method scales well and when players are deleted we don't get old bounties hanging around.
I'm waiting to see what the community consensus is related to how this feature should work (if at all). In the mean time I'm going to finish the first version of the plugin as it's almost done and get it out so other people can play with it.
In Silent's version, the bounty information is stored in memory. Bounties have a time limit max of 240 mins. I think that this plugin is designed more for PVP than RP...I suspect we need much longer hunting periods and a few (many?) other things to make it feel right.
Proud member of "the most paranoid group of people in the community"