' Wrote:I just get back to Discovery after month of ... holydays we can say... I get to my "trader" and peacefully go look around... I have no cargo, just fly around. Ive had INTERESTING conversation with "pirate" ( P=Pirate, T=Me )
P: hlt
T: *Stops*
P: hlt
P: hlt
T: What is it?
P: hlt
T: I cant understand my friend...
P: giv 8ml r die
P: *sends trade request*
T: Oh, I still cant understand... Comm malfunction?
P: giv 8ml r die
P: giv 8ml r die
P: 10 s
P: giv 8ml r die
T: ...
P: *Shoots*
PS: I stopped moving when "It" told HLT and havent moved since that, And I dont mention he was Outcast and I Junker...with no cargo... but its not m style of RP to say " Hey I dont have cargo and ill respawn on that planet 20 sec from here so shoot" Now tell me... Is that reportable? Is that normal? What is boobaloo? Why I smoke only Marlboro?
I cant remember the last time when I met with RP pirate... I understand short talks when target is running but when not and nobody elses in the system? Why not try little RP eh? And yeah dont ask 8 mils, noone will give u that.
PSII: [b]If someone thinks that P is him... I want to say : YOU ARE JERK HA-HA...Or should I say "y jrk die"?
I really wanna know your forum nickname so feel free to say hello, my dear friend. No I wont say your name here by myself but I wonder, you were member of official faction...do they know bout your great playstyle?:) Otherwise good to be back and hope Ill meet you all (All RP players)soon, have a Nice rest of the day,
any tax more the 4mil smells like pvp abuse to me
Ive had enough of disco for now. I might be back at the next mod release.
The Master of all things cyborg