Most "Wonderfull" thing is that its actually hard to find pirate who "talks Rp" so to say, cos most of them simply pirate only when they need money, not to make money ( For some reason I think that this one was " Oh now I tax 20 traders for 10m per one and I buy BH Battlecruiser" ... no offense to BHs in Battlecruisers... but for some reason...erm... A lot of bad players have tendency to buy that ship cos its big, kinda stong and cheap - Thats the evolution of newbie in a lot of times Fighter>Trader>Cruiser>Trader>BS>Fighter/Bomber:D)
I have nothing aginst pirates, Im OK with paying some for some good RP but not really when I have free cargo and even more not when It that "8m r die" type of pirate... Really nothing aginst pirates
Just response to before ... For me its somehow hard to call Train vs Bomber PvP:D
And the place wasnt Liberty and it Wasnt Kusari as well:P
Adn one more, I said its outcast, and its official faction, but unless he met with me again I really wont say his name cause I simply hate trials on forums... Its stupid... You know, im always for flamin, but anonymously:D....If I see him doing that kind of piracy again on any of my chars Ill page this faction officials (I promise) for now its just... Watch members (Or maybe it was self invited member? I dont know, but he had the tag) with LONG names in bombers:D
Oh and Tenacity, Im always very very happy when I see Junker "organisation", really wish good luck
I buy things I don't want to make an impression on people I don't like.