...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: KNF High Command, Action reports
...Cc: KNF Delta Comms
...Subject: UFC-Surfer
After having received reports of pirates in Honshu and having lunched from Hiroshima with my Catamaran, I joined the Wyrm "Nazonazo" of the State Police and we set the course to deal with those pirates.
For when we reached Akita Station every trace of pirates was already gone, but while guarding Sigma-13 jump gate we run accross another suspect ship, a Corsair Huntress Battlecruiser displaying State Police transponder.
Daisa Sakai reached us while we was in comms with the suspect, asking him to exit Kusari space as he was in contravvention of the current laws.
The suspect was sending in strange replies and we wasn't able to understand most of the messages, however, after some seconds of silence and without any sign of hostility by our warriors he suddently opened fire on my Catamaran and I was forced to eject.
Chūsa Toshi from the exploration wing reached the engagement few minutes later.
I was a fool, I should have moved out of his weapons range before opening my comms panel and lower my guard.
Without the help of my Catamaran the rest of the patrol didn't had much chances, Toshi's Virage was disabled shortly thereafter and Daisa Sakai opted for a tactical retreat to save escape pods.
I will not let such an error to happen again.