Since the discussion mentioned the Smuggler ID, I will once again throw in my two cents for reference. As a user of the Smuggler ID, I wholly disagree with any notion of it's removal, and here's why: The Trader ID is an indication in RP that the given character is very much lawful, and engages in an entirely lawful enterprise. The Smuggler ID is not as much important to lawfuls as it is to unlawfuls. Smuggler ID indicates that this person is known amongst the criminal underworld to cooperate with outlaws and ferry supplies for them. A Smuggler would no doubt faster cooperate with the pirates than fight against them, and as long as that is reflected in the char's RP, all is good. A Smuggler is very much like a Junker, except unaffiliated to Junkers. Kind of like a Mercenary compared to a Bounty Hunter. The ID itself is definitely far from ridiculous, even if some people take it OORP'ly.
As to the Trader ID: It is unfortunate but we cannot force RP on the pure pvp element that trades only for their battleships to "pwn nubz" with. Removing the ID is no alternative really. What could be done is limit the choices of the generic trader ID to freighters only, rather than transports as well. Freelancers as wealthy as to afford large corporate transports would be far inbetween, and most of the shipping would be likely under a guise of a Sirius company. That's my opinion anyways.