Generic traders should be limited to freighters only. Sort of Freelancers, buzing about... the notion for 3600 cargo is also acceptable as atleast the power traders might not use it as willingly.
Smugglers should be limited to smuggler ship (as in not the advanced train), in turn they would be the only ones allowed to smuggle. It should be writen somewhere as a server rule that a trader must not by any mean smuggle. As right now with traders smuggling there is no real need for a smuggler ID. Smuggler ID, vastly improves the roleplaying part of your trading. Suppose a RM stops your smuggler ID'd ship, scanns your cargo a little, sees everything is in order but still suspects you that something is amiss. Smuggler ID reflects that you've done some smuggling, that the LAW has an eye on you. In reality probably all house police would have records of all smugglers ever captured on scans. This ID shows exactly that you were once scanned, and found with contraband. You are to be examined at length for possible contraband... but if you don't have it you're free to proceed.
It should be nerfed just as much as the Traders ID, otherwise it would be overused much like the trader ID is right now...
Much good on the subject can be read in the New ID proposal...
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Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.