' Wrote:I understand the whole indie phenomenon can get out of control, but I really wonder about getting rid of generic trader/smuggler IDs. Why in the world (or in Sirius) would there not be many traders and smugglers working for themselves alone, possibly allied with a faction (hence the tag/IFF), but not employed (ID'd) with them? I have a hard time understanding how general independent/self-employed traders or smugglers would not exist in significant numbers in a Sirius-like setting.
' Wrote:I dont see a problem with indie traders, I think the main problem is powertrading or something, though I think from reading a ID changes proposal thread (I think this is going in next version?), Trader ID'd ships will only be able to use a max of 3600 cargo spaced ships (firefly).
which I think is quite justified, advanced train and such looks more of a high cost ship from faction traders funded by the company, instead of a cheap ship an indie trader would buy. (regardless of if its easy to buy an adv train with a day of power trading).
I agree that Indies with just a Trader ID should be limited to maybe the 3600cargo space. I am going to throw out an idea or two.
Trader ID- Independant or Faction up to 3600 cargo units and below. 60,000 credits.
Corporate Trader ID (Indie)- Independant self made rich person that wants to stay independant and fly ships 3601 and higher cargo units. 50,000,000 credits. Must have Neutral tag.
Corporate Trader ID (Faction)- Join Trader Faction and if assigned an ship over 3601 cargo units. 5,000,000 credits. Faction tag.
Now if a Trader or Corporate Trader ID'ed ship is found by the Lawful authorities to have been caught (SS-cargo and ID) with contraband or other unlawful materials. This evidence should be placed on the Forum simulating a trial and other than a fine be required to mount the Smuggler ID until fine is paid or probation period is complete. If no other infractions have been incured then the trader may remove the Smuggler ID for a legal one. Or a trader could RP on the forum and say for 50,000,000 credits paid to the Junkers at a Junker base, he could switch them. But if a Trader did this He or she would have to stay away from the jurisdection that he was caught in earlier. If a Trader fails to change the ID after a trial with evidence then there is the option of sanction due to said person would now be oorp.
Smuggler ID - 60,000 credits. A person with a Smuggler ID has been cought before in an unlawful act. A person with a smuggler ID if a scan indicates to the presense of an Unlawful cargo, said smuggler may be fired on and or destroyed with no warning by any Lawful ID.
It is my belief that a real smuggler would do just about anything not to come to the attention or the Law and maybe this would nudge a little more RP that would help us all.