IMO it would be nice having a more realistic fuel system
Current story line (according to the infocard) - Ships in sirius are using fusion based propulsion i.e a controlled form of the nagaski atomic bomb - fusing hydrogen atoms or H-fuel which is already a commodity in the game.(quite realistic actually)
I dont know the ins and outs of what is posible but if we could make h-fuel "perishible" much like luxury food but at a much slower rate (and without writing perishible in the info card) then we would have comodity in our cargo bay that drains as we fly..JUST LIKE FUEL SHOULD
The problem is what should happen if we run out of fuel,Options are:
1) Ship stops in mid space...Not to sure if thats possible to impliment (would allow for fuel tanker freighters and new job options)-
2) Ship explodes due to not attaining critical fuel mass and the fusion process becomes unstable...May be able to be implimented in the console,not sure ie any ships without H-fuel aboard get destroyed ,perhaps with a time delay to allw for some last minute refueling
3) Nothing....Simply leave it up to us players to maitain our "role playing morals" and hope we keep h-fuel aboard.(or make it a server rule)
Ofcouse h-fuel has to be extremely slow draining. Perhaps 20 h-fuel gets you across syrius, simply because im sure we dont want this to be an irritation. for example a ship that idles outside manhattan shouldnt have to keep dipping in for fuel(but still uses fuel since all systems are online ie weapons,life support etc)
Anyway imo it would be really cool to have to fuel up now and again, and could even open up other possibilties such as more expensive fuel for cap ships not to mension some great RP regarding the aquistion of fuel in mid space.