and again, iam not going to read all your stuff here, just deploying my opinion to the topic:
- I like the idea of destructable anchors to avoid instant speed docking from smugglers, traders, pirates,,, just everyone who dont want to stop when asked before landing.
- Yus, police didnt do their work right, especially in Liberty...,,, come on LPI and LN and all lawfulls in Liberty... iam running also the Cardamine-Slave run (Alpha to Texas) and never was stopped or even scanned by one of yours. Texas seem to be death (empty of police) all the day, it is a paradise for every smuggler, and when seeing police-men on lrs there, i normally dock at the freeport in Bering and wait till they are gone (just wait some mins, go drink a coffee^^, or switching chars and play at the other end of Sirius till the police-men are gone)
- All in all, i love the basic idea of this.
- And to the police-men: Others said it before, when you just hang around in front of the planet, and wait and wait and wait, ,,,, well, if you like this kind of gaming then enjoy.