I'm gonna talk as of the original plan for the role of this ship, which is a VHF/Bomber killer. A Space Superiority HF. I'm gonna talk about my tests in Open SP vs BH and Nomad NPCs in Gamma.
I know all too well that this ship is meant to be balanced for PVP and not PVE, however I couldn't test it in a PVP environment yet. So please take all the below notes as personal experiences given the limitations that I could only test it in a PVE environment.
What it needs:
*Agility... enough to make an Titan break necks trying to cope with the turns, make and Eagle sweat a bit, but not enough that even other HF's will feel the same. Wether it's achieved by a fast turn rate or improved straffing, It simply needs to be very agile when compared to VHFs. This ship is meant to outdodge them above all.
*Weapon Systems and pwoerplant in line with the ship's class (In my opinion a 6xclass 9's setup delivers a nice enough punch without being overpowered. A powersource that is as efficient firing 4xSalamancas(class9) on this ship as an eagle's powerplant is efficient firing 4xcodies.
*The base armor value of 8200 seems fitting for the agility and a powerful shield allows it to remain agile and go toe to toe with the VHFs... a Class 10. Remember this ship is going to be dodging Codies and even worse. In my tests... one good barrage on this ship can take out it's shield and armor and send the pilot back to home base on the escape pod.
I don't think that this setup is in any sort of way overpowered. I don't even say that it's the best or only way. In fact I'm hoping people may agree or not and point out flaws in my reasoning and why it is so. Perhaps some other setups will remain true to this ship's intended spirit and make it even better at it without undermining the rest of the balance. I hope i can find out.
At this point im jsut throwing sugestions based on my flight experience in FL and what I tested with this ship.
I still know and fully expect that if it's accepted, the devs will tinker with the stats the way they feel right, and I'll support them no matter what. They know best... better than me at least. I'm just a guy that models stuff.
Now debate to your heart's content... in a civil way ofc:)