Alright here's alitle info about Google, Yahoo and other search engines that some of you may not know and others may:
A search engine is primarily made up of "Bids" websites pick their keywords, and make a bid for getting to be #1 on the search for that keyword. So what seems to most like a comprehensive search engine is actually just companies bidding for your clicks...
For instance, if you do a yahoo search (this is an example since it is what I manage my companies advertising through)
each of those listings we are paying anywhere from 10cents a click to $2-$3 per click for that advertising.
Now I personally haven't done any work with google, however I do know they use a similar pay per click program aswell as have a function where users can add website links with basic descriptions and hope they get approved. I'm pretty sure they have spider bots roaming the web aswell, but I doubt it would be something that actually trolled forums lol.