It's not a bug, it's a function of the anti-cheating SW. Overall anti-loot-cheating functionality can be switched off, but that goes to hell (people mining credit-cards and such).
We're working on another solution that ore/materials dropped by the asteroids would drop different amounts depending on:
- mounted ID
- affiliation
- type of mining gun
- mining ship class
- type of asteroid fields
But this may require a lot of time to test and balance and I am not sure if we can make it in the 4.85 version. Maybe just a partial functionality in 4.85 and full one in 4.86. It's currently in an early stage of discussion on the developer forums. I agree that if mining is to become a real alternative to trading it needs a serious bump. We just need to be very careful because as always there are cheaters out there waiting for every opportunity. Unfortunately.