' Wrote:It's not a bug, it's a function of the anti-cheating SW. Overall anti-loot-cheating functionality can be switched off, but that goes to hell (people mining credit-cards and such).
We're working on another solution that ore/materials dropped by the asteroids would drop different amounts depending on:
- mounted ID
- affiliation
- type of mining gun
- mining ship class
- type of asteroid fields
But this may require a lot of time to test and balance and I am not sure if we can make it in the 4.85 version. Maybe just a partial functionality in 4.85 and full one in 4.86. It's currently in an early stage of discussion on the developer forums. I agree that if mining is to become a real alternative to trading it needs a serious bump. We just need to be very careful because as always there are cheaters out there waiting for every opportunity. Unfortunately.
Well at least its clear answer now. Thats what ive missed all the time. But 4.86... Meaning we wont see mining in next year...Hm. But the concept should be fine. But try to get it working at least part of it, so we can mine again, at least for fun, if not for money. That will make a good RP opportunities and will save one guys skin *voices of angry-miners mob from behind*
I buy things I don't want to make an impression on people I don't like.