Right, ill rant a bit.
Cruisers - think generally of their role. Should be bigger multirole ships, from screening of bigger ships like Battleships and carriers, to effectively engaging big ones as fire support.
Battlecruisers are, if we stick to somehow todays understanding of them :
Battlecruisers shared the very large main armament of battleships, and were generally as large and costly as battleships of the same generation. They traded off armour or firepower for higher speed
Some of our battleecruisers lack that. They should have a thruster, and should be primarily designed to engage capital class craft only, of all kinds. From gunboats to battleships.
Right now, BC is just big target, since it cant be nearly as good as battleship but moves as slow, there is no point in flying it really. They cant do squat to bomber, unless they are bad pilots.
Tenacitys proposal on splitting up the turrets serves one thing above others - helps to design roles of the ships more effectively, balancing can be done as game goes.
IIf there ar more turret types for capitals, itll help the loadout variety and can definitely say, what ship has what role. And I am not talking about cruisers and above. Even gunboats, and while I would nerf them, itd be only a little. Their agility and speed is concerning me. Not much ships can really fight them.