It does seem that some players, especially those who haven't been around long, abuse cap ships from time to time.
However, remember that there are rules in place for such situations, and consequences for breaking the rules.
If someone has a story for their ship (even if it isn't professional-quality), and it's posted, and they've put in the hours to purchase it, there is no reason to exclude them from the possibility of owning a cap ship.
If they break the rules, then let them suffer the consequences. If not, and if they contribute to the community, then there is no good reason to restrict them other than out of some sort of perverted sense of jealousy or exclusivity.
Quite honestly, all this talk about making it much harder or impossible to buy a capital ship in 4.85 will make people feel rushed to get one while they can, since this might be their last opportunity for a long time. And I know that it's not good to rush to get one, but again, if this is the last chance, you're going to inevitably force people to rush the decision.
Don't make all new players suffer for the actions of just a few.