yes, a nomad faction, but not the keepers, not the real nomads, and not the das wilde.
Rather, a group of independent nomads working either against the others or towards their own goals, perhaps exiled from the existing nomad group or cut off from the mindshare the keepers/nomads/wild use. I havent gotten everything fleshed out yet, but there's a few options right now - one that I'm thinking of in particular is using gaia (in edinburgh) as the focus, along with the nomad base in newcastle.
These nomads would probably still be hated by both the real nomads and 'humans' alike just for being related to the real nomads, but would have somewhat 'good' intentions. Think of it like the Tok'ra from stargate - they're still goa'uld, but act against the goa'uld. I've got lots of ideas, just trying to sort everything out and see what people think of the general premise.
The group would be both nomads (nomad light fighters) as well as 'infected' humans - more likely people who had chosen willingly to co-exist with a nomad parasite. If I went with the gaia theory then maybe gaians and bretonians would be the basis for the human members of the group - with admin permission perhaps a few bretonian ships could be used, cavaliers and the like.
Just throw out ideas and opinions on it, i gotta go to work >.<