Molly O'Reilly(female!)
Cambridge Research Station, deck #3, room 213
Qualifications (Educational):
Cambridge Institute, Software depeloping & Deep Space Communications ( 811 - 815 )
Qualifications (Vocational):
ehm.. Assisting proffesor Asher.
Relevant Experience:
- Laughing.
- Drinking tea with Bretonians.
- Mixing tea with vodka.
Employment History:
816 A.S. to this day - Laborant on Camridge Research Station.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary):
I'd like to join space divions, 'cose I'd like to see stars...
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
None recorded.
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
Uhm...None are known.