Due to the server wipe (and the massively increased cost of getting a BS) Catch_23 is now a liberty cruiser, so don't worry, it's not a typo.
I have gone through the other posts and edited them all, changing it from dreadnought to cruiser and making sure that theres no power-gaming.
Now because this is an RP server the [ELF]Catch_23 will only be responding to system chat, group invites and (bloody stupid) questions from other ships with the [ELF] tag.
Anyone else will be ignored, or if you bug me enough, get shot at.
If I get system/private messages from the same person, asking daft (read: utterly stupid) questions, I will be taking screenies and posting them as proof of harrassment.
If you have a problem with this, tough, I don't want to know so don't talk to me.