Austin nodded lightly, and picked up a pencil, scribbling something down yet again on another piece of paper.
"Your uncle is a good man," He winced slightly and grumbled something under his breath, "As are you." He finished leaning back in the chair and glancing over at the terminal. "Ensign Buchanan," He proclaimed, "You'll be assigned the 7th Great Derby Fleet. Admiral Fraser is in command of the Fleet. You'll be operating under the command of Commodore James Hobart. Upon arrival, to the Derby, you'll be escorted to your quarters. You'll need to talk to your quarter master to retrieve your standard issue pistol." He paused and turned his attention back to the Ensign.
"You'll need to fill out this form before I can let you leave this office. The form states that any and all property lent out, will be returned to the Crown and Her Majesty's forces if you decide to go AWOL." He pushed the piece of paper forwards, and handed a pen to him.