' Wrote:We are not really concerned with socialist agenda, since most characters in it are here for revenge, out of hate or something alike. Also we do not see our selves confronting alliance because they are alliance, but because megalomanic ideas.
I mean, there is no point in me shouting at someone "Alliance scum" because my char was born on sheffield, and is same as them by origin.
I'll have to say that there are some errors here.
The SCRA are a socialist revolution. However, it incorporates both positive and negative. We do fight the alliance because they are alliance, but also because of various individual character traits.
And, yes, you can shout Alliance scum, even if originally Alliance. That would be like Han Solo saying something about how he dislikes Imperials, even though he attended the Imperial Academy.
However, I must disagree about the Zoners, Jinx.
Zoners are possibly diametrically opposed in their politics to the SCRA. The SCRA are generally tolerant of Zoners, seeing as how they aren't troublemakers. They are the opposite politically though. The SCRA tend towards an authoritarian leftist agenda, whereas the Zoners appear to be libertarian in their governance. The SCRA take issue with the Zoner ideology... their ultra-free trade approach. They deliver goods to various enemies of the People, for instance. If the Coalition were to get too friendly with such groups, their popular support would see them as sell-outs, no different from the governments which crook their knees to corporations.
Oh, and for the record... a Liberty trader wouldn't have gotten through. They'd be told to leave, a few times, then destroyed if they didn't. There would be little to no chance at being waved through.
The SCRA is more likely to recruit from criminal groups, although we have an ex-Zoner with us, which is hinted at in our recruitment thread... I put up a couple of posts about criminals in both Liberty and Rheinland joining the SCRA.