The boarding ramp hit the helipad deck as soon as the armoured transport landed. A paramedic hastily appeared out of the transport pushing a hover stretcher with an unconscious woman visually in her mid 30s, her face and her burnt flying suit covered in blood. Not even a second later the medical personnel from the emergency unit was with them
[size=small]'Samantha Marquez, Maltese 63, vacuum exposure, head trauma, fractured vertebrae and femur, 4th degree burns on her right arm and 3rd degree burns on her back'
The paramedic quickly explained as the doctors surrounded the stretcher and quite literally flew through the hospital doors
[font=Palatino Linotype]'God, what happened to her?'
'She got shot down in '37, the bastard must have fired on her pod, I'm the squadron medic'
'Make way we're taking her to operating room 2!'
As they reached the operating room the paramedic remained outside watching as the doctors were preparing Samantha for surgery as quickly as they could
'You are too stubborn to die, Sam, don't change now...don't change now...'