"Well, a quaint Cambridge home life seems to be much simpler. Back home and New London have both stayed roughly the same avoiding the refugee camps and temporary housing everywhere. Being on the front line has obviously had its effect on Leeds..."
Taking another mouthful of tea, Page becomes pensive again, considering the future.
"I'm not envious of the military life, despite everyone around you, it sounds rather lonely at times." Thomas continued. "As for my career future, I suppose I haven't really considered that far. The invasion was the 'push' that returned me to my childhood dreams. Seems I had the right idea back then, a good career for me. As for being a mathematician, I guess recent events have had an effect... the world has changed me much more than I can change it in return. Anyway, I... I think it'll take more than a couple of weeks to get rid of these Gauls," he finished with a sigh.
"And your own plans? Or is it just a matter of waiting and... seeing what they've told you?"
Thomas looked towards the courier as he stops talking. What message was it supposed to relay?