Actually... I was referrin to the ability for players in fighters to be able to dock in a player BS, then undock when the time's right (still has a view of the outside... only he's not visible, and that he has the same view as the BS). That way, you may have the jump on the enemy, especially if the opponent doesn't realize you have a whole squad of bombers of your own to take advantage of the lone cap...
Say... It might be cool as well for carriers to be able to purchase NPC ships to be in your hanger bays, awaiting your orders to go out there and "die for yer country" thing... Might lessen the need for player escorts too...
Edit: still... the video does show a SLIGHT concept... But cloaking/warping!? Well... that would like:
Corsair Titan: *minding his own business*
BHG BC: *appears out of nowhere* Engaging
Corsair: OH MY GOD!!!!!!1!11!1!!! *blows up*
BHG BC: My work here's done... *then disappears*