Savage stroll's in, his face beaming, a smile that would end all smiles...
He looked down at the floor, "See you got rid of that mess from earlier on, hey bartend?"...
"How come your so blooming happy, hey?", the barkeep asked.
"Seen the news just now?",... Savage nodded towards the monitor set that was atop the bar, it was currently turned off. "Suggest you turn that cheap box of yours on, and watch," Savage stated.
The Barkeep turned it on. Few rogues, outcasts and some lane hackers drew closer as an emergency broadcast was sent through.
"Today in the skies above Manhattan, a most tragic and terrible event has occurred. The Bretonian Embassy ship, the HMS-Britannia, has been attacked by a force of suspected Lane Hackers and Outcasts. The attack comes only hours after the Bretonian Ambassador, Lord William Henri Braterford, hosted a major diplomatic summit onboard the Britannia. The summit had been preceded by a sumptuous dinner party at which many senior Liberty and Bretonian officials attended, and which had been warmly received by the Liberty community. At the dinner party Lord Braterford gave a speech to the people of New York, in which he praised the close relations between the two nations and expressed hopes of closer cooperation on many key issues, which received heartfelt applause from all present. Only hours later, however, the luxurious Bretonian Royal Liner Britannia lay in smoking ruins on the surface of Planet Manhattan, after crash landing following a sudden and unprovoked attack from Liberty terrorists."
The barkeep turned to Savage... "Nooo, you... Nooo", he was dismayed. There was a cheer and a loud banter began as the news settled in.
Then, the box reported this... "A Photograph of the attack taken from a Manhattan satellite", displaying an image, showing Savage's involvement and along with a few other pal's, one of them Savage's business associate, Zenith Bane.
"Savage you sly dog, you where directly involved, why didn't you tell us this was going down?", asked one of the rogues.
"Didn't have enough time, but we got the job done. We may not have gotten the target, but we did untold damage, and me and the boys are happy", Savage replied.
"So, who was the brains of the op, who thought off it"... asked one in the rather large and growing crowd.
"Me and Zenith, soon as that old fool reported his presence in Liberty, we got a gang together and struck", Savage said.
"Alright lads, drinks are on the house, this calls for a celebration!"...