Tyler shrugged."It's not that different to being back at home, once you get used to the lack of headroom. And the food." Battle rations were renowned for a great many reasons. Unfortunately, tasting decent was not among them. "And with the operations we've been on lately, there's really not that much opportunity to think about being in Bretonia. Anyway, I'm a fighter pilot Thomas. The stars here don't look that different from back home. I am a bit curious about the cities though."She added, gesturing to the rain-soaked window."Leeds is practically a fortress now, so there's not really that much to see. It's been driving our guys on-base insane."
Tyler paused for a moment, removing a slice of cake from her plate."But it's not as though they're completely lost for things to do. You know sailors.
But what about you? You said you joined up with the police because of the Gallics. What'll you do once we beat them?"Once. Of course it would be a matter of when. Despite the losses the Air Force had suffered, she doubted that the Gallics could keep up the attacks forever, not with Bretonia and Kusari on either side. "Hang around and get some more stories to tell your grandkids? Can't say that I can really picture you as a mathematician."