[Incomming Message]
[Communication Identification : Daini Doragon Gabriella Dejesus.]
[Directed to : Lady Takeda. Lady Watanabe]
[Subject : Partime, possibly permanent housing on GC afilliated bases.]
Lady Takeda, Lady Watanabe. As you might or might not be aware off, my previous housing under the roof of Kyoto base has become somewhat..Uneasy. My father locked in his room for reasons i do not find worthy of mentioning, my friends drifted and away into realms i know not the name off, and me? Uncertain on a base filled with strange faces. Locked, on this station with no purpose. Non but candy for male eyes.
Now, i beg of thee. Allow me, if only temporary housing on your bases. A small room, and a place to land my ship is all that need be for me. Supplies, food, i can manage myself. As for luxury, i need non but the gun at my side and the necklace around my neck.