To: KNF High Command
CC: Kusari State Police Blotter, Osumi Barracks
Comm ID: [KSP]KPU-Dewa, Doshin Kilo Cmdg.
Subject: Patrol Report
Your pardon, but as our KSP Blotter comms are not yet activated, I take the liberty of reporting here.
Dewa launched from Akita to find normal bustling trade through Honshu, but all traders carried boring cargos and correct paperwork. I prepared for a quiet morning.
However, upon approach to New Tokyo gate, I detected lone Blood Dragon in VHF. I alerted Daisha Yoritoro's bomber that Dragon was headed his direction.
Strangely, when I jumped into NT, the Dragon sat passively for a moment until the arrival of the [KNF-K]Yoritoro. I held fire, and the Dragon entered cruise parrallel to lane, with Yori-san in pursuit.
The Dragon told a sad tale of a domineering wife who had just called him, demanding that he return home. Somewhat amusing. While Daisha Yoritoro tailed the intruder, I used tradelanes to monitor the chase. The Dragon finally dropped several prisoners, and was last seen jumping to Hokkaido, muttering about cranky wives.
I then received alert from Yoritoro about a gunboat above New Tokyo. I raced to scene, and found that Yoritoro's bomber had stripped the shields from the vessel at risk of his life. The vessel proved to be a rogue gunboat flying Outcast colors.. squawking callsign "gankstera".
The engagement was fierce, but short. My cumbersome Explorer had some difficulty tracking the vessel, but eventually, combined KNF and KSP fire took its toll, and the residents of New Tokyo enjoyed a brief lightshow as the vessel exploded in a glorious fireball.
Compliments to Daisha Yoritoro, whose valiant persistence allowed me to make the final killing shot. No escape pod was recovered.