' Wrote:
Disco is slowly becoming a grind fest. Many people will simply leave this server if this trend continues. They are asking for a fix before they reach that point because they enjoy this community/mod.
Saying go trade in convoys ignores the above fact. Yes, it is far more fun in a convoy but if the person doesn't like trading to begin with, convoys aren't likely to help them. Add to that the fact that pirate demands now days can remove 30 mins to an hour of a persons playtime in a matter of maybe five minutes and you see why these people are annoyed.
Yep- this guy's got it pinned down. For the record, I enjoy mining. Or rather, I can tolerate it in small doses.
If credits were worth more (lowered prices for ships and equipment) or if credits were easier to come by (increased trading profits), we'd have a good less moaning and groaning in game and on the forums.
So, a pirate snags you and empties your cargo hold. A bummer, yes, but not a real game breaker, because it's easier to recover lost profits - if credits are worth more or are easier to amass. Thus it's easier for the trader/miner to express a creatively inspired RP "rage", instead of the grudge-laden OOC rage.
Some things for the devs and the community at large to ponder on:
1. Is it justified to penalize players with credit-intensive RP ambitions, who also have limited game time?
2. Is an economical system (low profit, high expense), that encourages OOC grudge matches (i.e. an hour of work negated by a 5-minute pew-pew bonanza), necessarily a good thing?