***Incomming transmission***
from: Sub. Lt. Shad Winston
To: All Mercenaries currently active in Liberty
:::Beginning transmission......:::
The following is a Order approved by the Liberty Navy High Command. As you all know Mercenaries are banned from Liberty space due to taking contracts upon the Glorious Liberty Armed forces. We do however make exceptions. ALL and Any willing and loyal Mercenaries can register to operate in Liberty Space WITH the following conditions:
1. You will NEVER take a contract against any LPI, LSF, LN or any lawful pilots in Liberty Space. Failure to comply will result with destruction of your vessal
2. You may not have any previous records of unlawful activity in Liberty. You will be automatically denied if you apply with a bad record.
3. When a Liberty Lawful pilot is under attack you may not sit and watch, You will either help the pilot out or leave the scene. We will not force you to engage but we do care if you just sit and watch. That will be counted as a hostile action
4. You may NOT attack any lawful pilots or transports in Liberty Space. If you are unprovoked do not fire on anyone. If you are taking a contract with another lawful faction against any other Mercenaries, Freelancers etc. you may not engage your Bounty 15k within Occupied Planets, stations, or anywhere where there is a high presence of civilians and pilots.
5. You will abide with ALL the laws in Liberty. If you are caught doing anything against the Liberty Law your Liscence and priviledges will be revoked. If you commit any murder crimes against civilian IDed vessals or any innocents you will be automatically Kill on Sight
6. Mercenaries will not enter ANY Restricted Liberty Navy space including the Virginia system and Zone 21. If you enter zone 21 or beyond the consequences still apply even to applied Mercenaries
7. Mercenaries shall never carry illegal cargo and/or contraband. Any units of unliscenced illegal cargo will be regarded as a violation and the mercenary's liscence will be suspended
8. Mercenaries may not at ANY time escort, take escort missions and/or assist Smugglers carrying illegal cargo into Liberty.
Please Make Sure you have the following information on your application. Fill out the information exactly in this format:
Name(OOC: your mercenary name in-game):
Do you agree to the Terms stated above?: Yes/No
Do you accept that if you break any of these terms your liscence will be suspended?: Yes/No
Why do you want to operate in Liberty?:
Have you ever engaged in any unlawful activity?:
Brief History about pilot/ship:
We have faith in some loyal Mercenaries. Put your application in this channel. IF you are accepted then your name will appear on this list. If your name is not on this list below then you will not operate in Liberty Space:
Jubal Early, Lictor
I.K.S. Gon'Shar
Shamayim (on trial, keep close watch)
All Mandalorain Mercenaries (MM) vessels
All Jupiter Guild (JG) vessels
All White Tigers [WT] vessels
KOS MERCENARIES (Lawfuls will ask them to leave Liberty first, if they do not comply they are to be engaged) Viktor_Navorski
Captain (freelancer)
Due to the War the Mercenary ban is lifted until further notice, all Mercenaries may fly in our territory unless they are banned from our sector. The currently applied Mercenaries are the ones that are most trusted. We will keep a list of banned Mercenaries.