' Wrote:Hello. To whoever flies the character Joseph Abudsai (apologizes if misspelled) in the 101st Faction:
I would like to express my opinion of such a low-blow you performed today at Tau-23.
I could stand the NPC-bot farming, since a few of our allies kept flying back to the Java Station and dodge around the station.
I didn't really care that you outnumbered us, it's a valid tactic.
But what really pissed me off is that you, after going AFK in the middle of the fight twice, not being shot by any of us three: Colonial Friend, Scott Williams, Malcolm Rees.
You turn around, after another person we didn't know but who was our ally, goes AFK, and you kill him?
I don't even care that you allowed him back, because it dosen't change the fact how you acted before it.
I'd like to apologize for my performance in that fight. It was horribly unsportsmanlike and I guarantee it won't happen again. If it does I'll resign from the 101st.