''The Alcatraz depot, the place where you find a new home when you have none'' - Ashley Manroe
"Yeah...Alcatraz...there's a warm place you can get drunk in, and if you get knocked out cold..well, the medical bay is two levels lower" - Antony Kerner
"Ahh, you cannot have a better sleep than Alcatraz...nor you can find a better job anywhere but..." - Menual Albertez
"One of the best comm links ever, what can i say. The hackers worthy." - Gorge Syprus
The pub is right above the engineer bay and docking hangar, while reinforced to block out any sounds of the landing transports with cardamine shipments, its still heard when a bigger ship lands.
A bold man, only bearing some snippets of white hair on the sides of his head watches the rather quiet bar...Not too many around, everyone's hunting for their bread. Indeed, the bartender, while an old man in his eighties, he still knew how to shoot that nova torpedo and the drinks he served had same punch to them. He had everything, starting from good ol Sidewinder Fang to everything including cardamine ale, Molly ale and something as simple as spirit.
He liked it quiet, and so did a few others. The high command of the Liberty Rogues was settled in this very base and, while not receiving so much attention as Buffalo, it still held a high value in the a rogues work.
The shadows of ship patrols and cargo ships from outside whizzed over the man'ss scarred face and he smiled some...this wasn't solid ground, but by gods he loved his home...