Andrew smiled as he walked into the room, stepping over the body on the floor to move and sit down on a table near Ashe's own. The young man was wearing a simple uniform he used when not running around chased by lawfuls and for once he actually seemed to be in a pleasant mood. He carried two suitcases, one large, which, yet again, was filled with some kind of devices, by the sound of the metalic clunks, the other was a lot smaller and was filled with documentations of the recent raids, muggings and as well of new blood.
He sat down and nodded to the bartender, he too was someone who was enjoying the place a lot and he relaxed in his chair and closed his eyes, smiling.
"Was in New York today...turned my comms on the fullest and ya' know...soon there will be a few more new ones. Seems like lately ta' navy and police is upsetting some local independents and they just said tha' they would rather join the rogues...good for them. And before ya' ask, yes i will make sure those are not some spies or such..."
Andrew opened an eye and found his usual drink, already set on his table, along with a small glass and he smiled. The old bartender was just as quick as ever.
"I hope you actually finish your drink this time, Mort, i always find myself dumping the stuff..." The bartender grumbled some and narrowed his eyes, already sitting behind the long table of the bar "That stuff doesn't come from ice rocks, you know.."
Andrew coughed "I know, i know, just when a' come 'ere for a sip, i find myself lost in paperwork...that's all...So much ta do and so little time. Need ta keep those darn smugglers safe and keep up with piratin' those fat ones, while dodging those navy and hunter guys..." He murmured to himself and sighed, then closed his eyes once more, then looked over at Ashes.