Andrew Mort was about to say something else but shook his head and brought his hand up to a device in his hear, somewhat an old style of interface with the inbound ships and main docking crews and he nodded, looking at Sylpheed.
"Boss? I am glad to say that the pirate train under the flag has reached Beamount base safely with one full shipment of cardamine. I must admid that a 10million income is rather...well, surprisingly more than i have expected...but i still am going to waste H-fuel on that thing when really pressed"
Andrew murmured something to the intercom clasped on the side of his jackets neckpeace, something about the train needing to make a small stop on Alcatraz. yet suddenly his eyes opened wider as he checked the electronic notepad, when he wished to point out the mooring bay the ship needed to use. An outcast destroyer...surely battle barges were a large bother, but a destroyer...Sylpheed wouldnt like this and he grumbled to himself, franticly murmuring in his comm device to warn the docking crew for the inbound and empty train, arrainging the needed checkups and furthermore, instalation of a proper transmitter.