Kudos to you, kingvaillant.
This should be sticky.
And to be more constructive with this post, i'll add a bit of my own opinion.
I agree that this is a FPS with an RP overlay, but it is an overwhelming overlay.
Without the RP, or even if there was a certain amount less of it, i would not play
on this server. This game is much too simple, and way to outdated for me to
enjoy without the variety, excitement, and sense of community that the roleplay
and player base brings.
For me, RP comes first, always. With the exception of
the times of human error, when i am overly frustrated or simply being
ridiculous. That being said, i'm still working on my roleplaying, as i am far from
being an expert, and still consider myself relatively new to the server and this
forum. That doesn't stop me though, because for me the RP overlay of this
server is the most important part. Right after that - finding a group of people
to become friends and enjoy the game with.
I enjoy it just as much as the next person, but PvP is really quite low on my list of
priorities here.
Edit: I wouldn't say that sportsmanship is a trait of a dying breed of players. It's
more like something that was cool yesterday, but is now considered embarrassing
and very uncool to present. At least that's how it seems to me.