As far as i'm concerned i don't overly care what Freelancer was originally made to be - FPS in space or whatever.
What i do believe is that Discovery Freelancer on this server is first and foremost a Role Play game and a "shooting" game second.
Respect is not that hard a commodity to have because its one that most people want personally; its simple transferrance - or the old biblical quote of "Do unto others". You get respect here by earning it and there are many ways to do that, showing other people respect is one way.
PVP on its own, choosing the best ships and best guns, showing up 4vs1 to a fight is not.
PVP your way all over the place with little observance of Role play = No respect, because PVP is not what is valued here - Winning at all costs = No respect, again because PVP is not what is valued here. Arm your ship with an awesome combination of weapons that can "Gank" everyone - No Respect, because PVP is not what is valued here.
Role Play well and PVP well = Respect, because Role Play is what is valued here, PVP is a side dish.