After discussion of this sanction:
The dev chat was debating about how we could allow players to deny docking rights to certain people such as smugglers or hostiles. And I thought of this.
While selecting a player, /attack (only works when you're within 2k of the target)
and in conjunction: /neutral <-cancels out any /attack previously used on someone
Makes the selected player hostile to the NPC and bases of the faction of the command-user's ID, announces a system message "XXX has ordered patrols to attack YYY"
Only makes your ID's NPC faction hostile to target
Only works with guard ID.
Doesn't work against fellow faction members (eg. Outcast Guard can't make an Outcast hostile to Outcasts)
Effect is temporary
Only works within 2k of the target
A possible time limit, like the /renameme function. Make it usable only once every.. 30 minutes per player.
Treat the use of /attack the same as engaging which means:
-using /attack on a underlevel is illegal
-using /attack without an engagement notice/RP is illegal
In the case of piracy, using /attack before making a demand is illegal
Abuse would be sanctioned, and repeated abuse would result in bans
This would be achieved by:
*For purposes of these Rules, an attack is draining shields to 50% or lower, or hull damage, or when a Cruise Disruptor is fired. Intentional ramming of any large ship or using the /attack command is also considered an attack.
6.19 Pirates have a right to deal as much damage as they see fit before or after demanding money from a trader ship, but killing or using /attack command on trader ship before demanding money or cargo is not allowed.
Scenarios this would be used:
In all cases XXX is the attacker, YYY is the victim of the command.
YYY is taking Cardamine to Manhattan, and XXX(lawful) spots him.
XXX: Cardamine! Drop them right now!
YYY: Hell no I'm taking them to Manhattan.
XXX: We'll see about that!
XXX: /attack
XXX has ordered patrols to attack YYY.
YYY: oh sh**...
YYY is attacking XXX, but XXX's faction's NPC aren't attacking YYY
YYY: Die fool!
XXX: No you die!
XXX thinks: Wait.. why aren't the NPC shooting him?
XXX: /attack
YYY: Crap!
XXX is pirating YYY.
XXX: Pay me trader git!
YYY: Never!
XXX: Have it your way then!
XXX: /attack
XXX has ordered patrols to attack YYY.
YYY: Nooo my shiny train!
Gone are the days of someone attacking someone without having NPC factions hostile.
Gone are the days an idiot can run away from Person B by docking on Person B's faction's base
Do you like it? Don't you like it? If you think it's too abusable, please state HOW it would be, but DO read the whole thing and think about it. Remember, using this command would be, in essence, engaging someone by proxy of NPCs.