it seems to be a nice idea, a way to stop players from docking at bases they shouldn't.
though effective as it would be at keeping those players who abuse the rep system; being a criminal and landing at a lawful base or the other way around.
where will the line be drawn?
Will the police/navy use it to drive out BH's and mercs they don't like?
Are players going to try and stop Power trading with it?
Wouldn't it just encourage players who see rep abuse to take it into their own hands rather that just report it?
if it were introduced, don't tell it to everyone, only tell the command to the official factions on a trail basis and omit it from the /help list of commands. if it works on a trial basis the way it's supposed to and nobody abused it, I would not be opposed to also give it to those of us who frequent the boards and having it in the game as long as it remained abuse free.
but, IMO, no matter what the positive value of such a command would be, no matter what good intentions are behind it, players WILL find ways to abuse it, so why introduce a command that has room to be abused to counteract loopholes in game mechanics that are abused?