I'd say depending on where you're at home, you could expect to live about 80 - 105 years (Cardamine users can add a couple of years). If you've got the cash though you can definitely achieve clinical immortality (ie, you can still die by force, but not by age) and maybe even more, though I expect that the various House governments and probably even the Pirate factions have strictly outlawed things like the technology used to achieve technological singularity or create too far modified transhumans as such technology would not only change society far too much, but also pretty much render humanity obsolete (hey, at least it's an in-RP idea to counter the atrociously unrealistically slow technological development in the FL universe).
By the way, I think it wouldn't be completely unrealistic to assume that there *might* be a couple of humans so old that they actually where on the first sleeper ships that are still alive...good stuff for conspiracy theories.