Incoming Transmission...
Id recognized as Kiyoshi.Raidon
Message Subject: Another Sentai-86 ship purged from our system
I was sitting near New Tokyo feeling good about how clean our system was. When suddenly chatter came over the radio. [I]Kuro.Aki had found them self a Senti ship sneaking around. [KNF-K]Senzo and I immediately kicked our cruise engines on and began to try and catch up. [Sentai-86]Nimuro was already on the run. And through close communication with Aki, Senzo and I were able to guess the approximate location he was going to be at. The chase went on for sometime as he was able to evade several CD shots from Aki and Senzo. However I noticed that his flight pattern became somewhat predictable and I was able to close the 5K gap to under 1K. As i stalked the prey i waited for him to make his mistake. When i relized that he was going to be flying straight for some time i killed my Cruise and coasted. This allowed me to open fire with my weapons. I am pleased to say the funuke died shortly there after.