I had this distinct feeling a BHG one did so in Tau-29 the other day while I was flying through it. While I'm indeed having connection problems lately, the BHG ship failed to slingshot back to it's original position after it started sliding, giving me the distinct feeling that it had, indeed, EKed. I'm just teasing ya.
While I've had heard rumours about the RHB handling being worsened, when I got to fly it yesterday my reaction was, "Well, this feels the same as before. Whatever was done, it's neglectible."
So far I've flown (not used in combat though):
Wrath - felt the same
RHB - felt the same
Sabre - I practically just flew straight with it, going from one point to another. Still, from all the bitching over this ship from before, I was expecting it to be drastically changed, one aspect being its strafing. If that got changed, I didn't notice. It felt pretty much the same.
RC - I hadn't flown this in more than a year. It felt as sluggish yesterday as I remember if from before. But then again, I flew the Sabre in to change for it, so maybe it wasn't the best of basis for comparison.
RH BS - This one is just annoying. I do appreciate the fact that the ship doesn't spin anymore. Still, I'm glad I don't suffer from epilepsy or some similar nervous system's disorder. I just hope I don't acquire one from it.