Hahahahaha, I like that myths, Martin, good ones. Oh btw i formed list of bugs i have found , non ship related. I will contact you when i get home from work. Most of bugs have cosmetic character but some are annoying (like no wrecks on scanners, even when you are parked by it or mute conversations on stations).
Anyway, about subject... Yeah feeling is something we are expecting and we think ship should look like... i.e. I expected Sabre will pawn Gunboats (exaggerated) .. and that is not real and objective. When you do following, and i am serious, take a pen and write down all pros and cons and RP wise compare ship against ship, taking in consideration ship stats and faction weapons, you will realize that in 90 % of cases balance is there. Sure some ships -are- better than others, which is normal. Sabre in 4.84 or Red Cat was -uber- and if you try to find that difference in 4.85 i am convinced you will not be able to and with HFs being revamped you have a choice what to fly for almost all factions.
My greatest fear in 4.85 is capital ships. I am sure that up to now you all realized potential of capital ships. I don't have anything against them , and i was one of people that were for upping caps but I am afraid of people who don't know how to conduct in game and people who will use battleships to kill LFs and HFs....